I smile o'er the wrinkled blue
Lo! the sea is fair,
Smooth as the flow of a maiden's hair;
And the welkin's light shines through
Into mid-sea caverns of beryl hue,
And the little waves laugh and the mermaids sing,
And the sea is a beautiful, sinuous thing!

I scowl in sullen guise
The sea grows dark and dun,
The swift clouds hide the sun
But not the bale-light in my eyes,
And the frightened wind as it flies
Ruffles the billows with stormy wing,
And the sea is a terrible, treacherous thing!
When moonlight glimmers dim
I pass in the path of the mist,
Like a pale spirit by spirits kissed.
At dawn I chant my own weird hymn,
And I dabble my hair in the sunset's rim,
And I call to the dwellers along the shore
With a voice of gramarye evermore.
And if one for love of me
Gives to my call an ear,
I will woo him and hold him dear,
And teach him the way of the sea,
And my glamor shall ever over him be;
Though he wander afar in the cities of men
He will come at last to my arms again.
-Lucy Maud Montgomery
This conjures up such intense emotion in my heart. I can't stop reading this beautiful piece of literature. I want to sing it loudly and write it on everything I see. I want to live in these bewitching and captivating words and feel this feeling it gives me forever. It tells me that change is common, normal and good. When my sunny soul is hidden in a fog of anger, my will shine through. Emotions ebb and flow just like the sea.
I especially love the last verse. It posses a question that is perpetually in my subconscious mind.
Do I have glamor to "ever over"?
I must.