But other than that, the East Coast was amazing and everything I was expecting. I couldn't hardley tell that part of the country is densely populated; the parts of New Jersey and Pennsylvania we went to were small towns with open spaces and clean air. I loved how green and clean it was. I also really loved that delicious food is so easily accessible there! Crab, cheese, salami, Moroccan meals, apple pie..the list goes on. Even ate a philly cheese steak and an Amish smorgasbord (not so delicious but awesome nonetheless). AND, I saw Charm City Cakes! I only left 12 hours ago and I'm already itching to go back!
I have two days back here in Missoula before my dad and I leave for Manchester. We'll spend a couple weeks in Scotland and Ireland before he flys home and I fly into Denmark. Other than getting to Copenhagen, I have no itinerary and no plans (to my mother's intense dismay). I'm so excited and so scared. I've been trying to mentally prep myself to be ok with being alone for a month. I know its going to be tough but I also know that it will be great. I'm hoping Emily, Rosi or Jackie will meet me along the way but if not thats ok too!
I'm wondering if I should get the lonely planet book on all of Europe or if I should just wing it...
Picture1: Rusted fence with Baltimore city in the back ground
Picture2: Phillies game!
I'm glad you had so much fun!!!!!