Thursday, August 12, 2010

Life of a probono wedding cake baker: 2 Days Left

The cakes are baked, wrapped in plastic and waiting for their date with Mr. Frosting. Although there were some bumps in the road, I think that they're going to taste and look fine. And now that the stress of deflated cakes have past, I may have a dreamless sleep tonight. But probably not. I still have to frost and transport.

The past 4 days or so have consisted of dishes, oven checks, and a whole lot of sitting around and waiting. Inside. While the sun shines, beckoning me to play outside. It's frustrating, to say the least. Luckily, yesterday I got to take a break to ride my bike (which was ridiculously terrifying) and eat dinner with Miss Mel. Check out her blog. Her and her husband bought a Volkswagon van to live out of this summer while they prepare for their epic travel adventure around Asia. This week, they have it parked up Shultz Creek Road in Flagstaff which is absolutely beautiful. And after making tacos on the built in stove, washing dishes in the built in sink and sipping cold cider from ceramic mugs while swinging on their hammock, I was completely enchanted with the stage they have set to live their. They have adorned their van/home with pictures and art from friends, home made curtains and quilted blankets. They breath in the fresh mountain air every morning while sipping coffee among the pine trees. I am jealous of how beautiful they've made their life and I vow that at some point in my life, I will live in the forest with my husband, whoever that may be.

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