Monday, April 19, 2010

New things

Updates on my life:
1. Loving living alone. I never thought I would be able to handle coming home to an empty house, but its actually the best thing that has happened to me in while. Having a peaceful, clean and beautiful place to reflect after a shitty day at work is worth surrendering 3/4 of my pay check ... which brings me to point two.
2. Work sucks. Which sucks. I'm still trying to figure out if I am disliking THE job or disliking having a job. Currently, I am inclined to think it is THE job that I hold so much animosity against because a) my creative freedom is severely limited b) the intellectual stimulation is well below minimal and c) the radio station is always set to heavy metal which does not support a positive mental state. I also got beaten to the ground by falling bread pans.
3. I am going to the orthodontist tomorrow. Ugh. Big fat two thumbs down. My jaw problem is getting a lot worse and that's just icing on the cake! I have a sever jaw problem that requires 2 years of braces (along with complete disgrace, humility and shame) followed by reconstructive jaw surgery. I've been putting this off for the past 4 years now and apparently the problem as not disappeared (I was really wishing it would). In fact, the joint degeneration has been moving right along at a pace faster than expected. Yippee.
4. I'm happy its summer, but I find myself hoping that the sun isn't shining on Sundays - Thursdays. That way, I don't feel bad about being inside, listening to hate music and getting attacked by falling pans.

With all of that said, I'm in a happy place right now. Seriously, I am.